Our project member was chosen as a keynote speaker!

One of our project members, Dr. Asawa who is in charge of Building cluster is going to give a keynote speech i続きを読む...

An official kick-off meeting of DeLCA was held as follows:

Date and time: 30 April 2021, 16:00-19:00 JST Venue: Zoom meeting Participants: Researchers and staff from Jap続きを読む...

DeLCA website launched

A new DeLCA website is launched for the SATREPS project. Go to the website: Link...

Kick-off meeting of DeLCA in 2021

An official kick-off meeting of DeLCA will be held as follows: Date and time: 30 April 2021, 16:00-19:00 JST V続きを読む...

Paper published

DeLCA research works are now published in Building and Environment journal as follows...